Healthy housing is what defines the concept of energy efficiency. Homes are meant to offer solace and be a safe haven or retreat for rejuvenation of spirits. If homes are designed and built to accommodate this ideology, a home can be a place of vacation in itself! But most importantly, a home must adhere to health standards stated in the law of housing codes set by respective National departments of housing and health.
To understand the idea of healthy homes, it is vital to look around one’s home and identify threat-markers or areas, such as ineffective plumbing or unsanitary toilet conditions, or improper source of water that can cause illnesses or other water and air related diseases/ allergies amongst dwellers. Outside conditions affect the internal home conditions when a home is weak and prone to environmental hazards. To make a home resilient and internally immune, energy efficiency has taken the forefront to educate people about building smarter homes with plenty of fresh air ventilation and moisture control.
Integrated homes offer solutions towards unexpected fire or gas related accidents that can damage interiors, electrics, or even human life. Healthcare and housing have become an entwined factor in the construction homes – to build such a home that actually hacks down medical costs from the use of building materials that will prevent moulding, moisture seepage, air blockage, or home injuries cause by slippery flooring, pointy corners, unsafe staircases, etc.
Energy efficiency is basically the reduction of energy usage in a home by installing products that are insulators of heat and cold. The use of electrics [lighting] should be such that consume least amounts of energy to control greenhouse gas emissions. Apart from that, energy control can bring a remarkable decrease in financial costs through energy cost reduction. It is also the best way to protect natural habitat from being depleted. Trees and hills provide shelter from winds and heat, but installing insulation in floorings, walls, windows, doors and basements, also roofs can keep a house cooler during summers and warmer during winters.